Saturday, October 10, 2009

8bit poems

Inspired from the 2.0 poetry of Rives, I've decided recently to update my poetic misunderstandings to a next level. Besides, this genre helps me more clearly to express my point of view:

/* this one involves elements from the classic love poetry, but offers kind of solution for the classic love problems */

should I always get this alert,
your heartdisk has not enough space?
or you would better buy another one?
or you would better delete some unused files
from the old one?
if (it doesn't work)
I should take some action.
Like kickin' your box through the window
or showing my blue screen:
running out of patience.

/* this one is inspired from a false geek image, but statistically quite possible to be true. At least 50% of the poem applied to 50% of the geeks. */

The real geeks
have default food value: pizza
with default attribute: deep_frozen
Their "DoYouWannaCoffee" variable
is set to "yes"
(again by default)
and if you try to bother them
with a high level questions
like "What is the meaning of life?"
they throw a

/* the next one examines one important business strategy */

i do not know
how their algorithms function
but there are some general approaches
working perfectly in the general cases..
loading smile
while a destruction daemon
is running its jobs in the background

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